My Picasa Galleries
I use Picasa to store most of my photographs. This is a list of some of the more interesting galleries.
I use Picasa to store most of my photographs. This is a list of some of the more interesting galleries.
These tips were originally posted as advice in a thread over on my favorite railroad forum: The Railwire. I didn’t want to lose them, so I’m reposting them here.
Fox Valley Models 50′ Boxcars are a welcome addition to the marketplace, but their ride height leaves quite a bit to be desired. It’s quick and easy to fix that.
I recently, finally, dove into DCC at home by buying a Digitrax Zephyr Xtra and a Digitrax PR3. I’ve had a number of decodered locomotives for the significant amount of time I spend “visiting” or on NTRAK layouts, so I was familiar with the basic concepts, but had never got it running at home. Here’s […]
One of my goals with the NCR shelf layout I’m working on is to try and compress as few items as possible. This includes the actual railroad right of way. Many model railroads tend to completely ignore the mechanics of prototype rights of way (drainage, spacing, sub-roadbed standards, etc…), and I didn’t want to be […]
I have a bad habit of over-thinking things, and I think a lot of model railroaders do too. I think, when working on a project, it’s important to not always do that.
The 10 year old Kato SD45 mechanism that will be powering my model of Conrail 6147 has put many scale miles under its wheels. While working on the paint and decals on the shell I realized I should also pay the mechanism some attention.
Modelers, for years, have been looking for ways to replicate common every day things. Trees make up such a large part of the landscape that they are a frequent topic of discussion whenever the topic of scenery comes up.
For years the ubiquitous 50′ exterior post Railbox car was missing from the N scale market. Microtrains and Model Die Casting had made them years ago, but up until about a year ago, finding them was hit or miss. Then Athearn bought MDC and started re-releasing their “Berwick” box cars. One of their first roadnames […]
Working with extruded styrofoam is a core technique for model railroading. These videos are a helpful resource on how to do that.