More PanPastel Weathering
I should be laying track. I should be laying track. I should be laying track. Instead I’m applying more pastels to cars.
I should be laying track. I should be laying track. I should be laying track. Instead I’m applying more pastels to cars.
Years ago I used a set of pastels for weathering. They worked ok and many of the cars I used them on are still in the fleet, but PanPastels have looked very interesting and all of the work I’ve seen that used them looked pretty good. I decided to jump in and give them a […]
In the mid 80s, the Maryland Midland purchased a pair of former Burlington Northern SD24s. In real life, these engines proved to be short lived on the MMID: being too punishing on their track and ill suited to the railroad’s needs. However, in the alternate reality in which my NCR themed layouts exist, they stuck […]
A few years ago, I purchased a model of one of the Black River and Western’s RS1. I have a soft spot in my heart for the BR&W, since it was one of my first train rides, but I found I barely ran the locomotive. When Atlas had a sale on decorated shells, I knew […]
The annual BANTRAK Festival of Trains show at the B&O museum is coming up, which means I’m going to have an opportunity to show off a bunch of my rolling stock. However, I realized my stockpile of cars needing weathering has grown significantly, so it was time to do something about that.