I’m a railfan, modeler, and proud former member of the Conrail Historical Society’s Board of Directors.
Email: [email protected]
It all got started when I was a kid. My father got me hooked with trips to Strasburg Rail Road, trackside visits to Conrail’s operations around Frankford Junction in Philadelphia and his subscription to Model Railroader Magazine which I always seemed to get to before he could. That magazine taught me how to read.
I proudly served on the board of directors of The Conrail Historical Society, having “retired” a few years back, and now I just help out with the Society’s website (and occasional other events).
My wife, large dog and I live just outside of Baltimore in Towson, MD.
You can find me on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, but I don’t usually talk about railroad stuff there. For that you’ll have to check out The Railwire, where I usually go to discuss my modeling and railfanning hobbies, or to the Railway Preservation News Forum, where I mostly lurk and occasionally post.