Years ago I used a set of pastels for weathering. They worked ok and many of the cars I used them on are still in the fleet, but PanPastels have looked very interesting and all of the work I’ve seen that used them looked pretty good. I decided to jump in and give them a try. My early takeaway is that it’s a great technique and really easy to do while doing other things since you don’t have to do things like clean paint brushes between colors.

I picked up two fundamental sets at MB Klein:

These kits include all of the colors you’ll probably want or need for weathering pretty much anything.

The kits also come with some applicators, but I’ve been using a paint brush.


You can also see the other important tool in this process: something to catch the residue from brushing them on. There’s quite a bit of that and a manilla folder makes a good work surface to catch it and deal with it.

My technique is to use the brush, pickup some pastels on it, and then either dab or brush them on.


Here are some of my early results.


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