I feel bad that I haven’t been posting much of my recent progress, so here’s a catchup.
Most of my recent work has been on the scenery for the “North” section of the layout depicting Black Bridge, Hanover Junction and Wago Junction. This has involved mostly scenery, but also some work with photo backdrops, structures, and the installation of disused catenary poles along the remains of the Port Road at Wago.
First, Black Bridge.
I’ve finished the first revision of the bridge piers and stonework around the abutments.
Then, it was more trees along Hanover Junction.

Those were planted, and complemented with the first revision of a printed photo backdrop. This was made possible by a trip taken up to York specifically to scout out and shoot photos for the purpose last month. It took two trips to pull it off, because the first time got snowed out. I also had to go out and get a color printer, since my existing one was on its last legs. I think they were worth the effort.
And lastly, progress at Wago Jct. This has included lots of scenery work, although there’s still more to do, building a garage, buying a house, and assembling the cat poles from my friend John at Keystone Details.

And lastly, another example of the photo backdrops in action, a sample over by the yard.